May Yarn Goals

So in May I will have a lot of passenger time in the car and a couple days that will be spent largely in a bowling alley watching my father at Nationals. (Yes I’m 30 years old and still excited to cheer on my daddy, this will be my first time going to National’s so I’m super excited) All that means I should have a lot of knitting and/or crocheting time; at least in theory. So, with that being said I need to make sure I have a number of “car sized” projects to get me through the month, but also still budget time for the not as car friendly projects that I need to get done.

First lets talk about the WIPs that need to see lots of love and attention:

  1. Take it All – Rainbow Edition – this shawl was started back on August 10th, so as long as I finish it May 10th or after I can use it for the Long Haul Badge for the Booster Club portion of the Yarnathon.
  2. Minty Harvest – My 1st Quarter KAL…would love to get this off the needles, it’s nice simple and relatively mindless, so great for car knitting!
  3. Lucia Sweater – I started this in February 2015…would really like to get it finished. It’s crochet, it’s join as you go squares…and if my memory serves me correctly the squares don’t really take very long.
  4. Socks on a Plane – fingers crossed these fit better than the past socks I’ve made with all the changes I’m attempting LOL
  5. Hue Shift – Goal is to get it to at least 50 squares…do able…just no longer “car sized”

Now for the New Projects…

  1. Addiction by Subtraction – a fun mystery knit along…colors are picked out, first clue released April 27th.
  2. Natalie’s Christmas present…I’ve said I’m going to start this thing about a billion times, but I really do need to get on it. Thinking if I take one skein per color I could get away with car crocheting…or at least bowling alley crocheting…
  3. Wagner 2.0’s baby blanket…pattern picked, just need to get the rest of the colors…okay so maybe most of the colors. Baby is due September 21st, so I need to get cracking on this.
  4. Scatterby Socks – the 2nd of 3 pairs I want to make for the Q2 KAL…and I already have the yarn caked up…no excuses here at all to not get them busted out.

So, we’ll see how this all plays out. But I’m really hoping I can have a productive May. What do you have planned for your crafting time in May?

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